I'm confident that the rules for Over da' Boards are complete.
Correction and change notes from Over da' Boards playtesting sessions have gone from double sided 8.5x11 pages half the size of the rulebook, to a couple of blurbs on a couple of post-it notes. The last finishing touches for what will hopefully be the final stages of playtesting are being made tomorrow. If all goes well, it will go off to the proofer and the editor, then Ben and I will finalize the formatting and style for print and publish.
The first iteration of my game was played 30 years ago on my parents' kitchen table with my little brother. Very soon all of you will be able to jump into this tabletop time machine, and see what came out of the imagination of a ten year old me.
I hope you all have as much fun playing it as I've had making it.
Game on. :)