Friday, March 23, 2012

My Homeostasis

One thing that has been in my life since the day I was born, is this constant state of balance, some sort of cosmic homeostasis that permeates every minute and every event.

For everything good, something bad. For every terrifying, heart breaking tragedy, something heartachingly beautiful.

This is where I draw my inspiration. This terrible, wonderful, despairing and hopeful experience that's been my life... infused in every word, in every game mechanic.

It's not long at all now before the flagship games are released, and not a moment too soon, as I don't know how much longer I have left. It could be 50 years, but it's not looking good right now.

I hope you like what I've come up with as much as my playtesters, my family, and my friends have. No matter how things turn out, and if you like what I have to offer or not... it sure has been a hell of a ride.

No regrets, and thanks all. :)


Friday, March 16, 2012

Hope for a brighter future...

Those of you who have known me in the past, or know me in the present know my anguish. From coworker, to gamer, to friend, to lover... you have seen the hope in my eyes die a little each time.

You are now witness to the end of an era... to the dawning of a new day... to hope fanning from ember to flame for a brighter future!

The age of Aquarius is truly upon us, for after a long  twenty years full of heartache, sorrow, betrayal, and disappointment...

...I won a donut.

#RollUpTheRim #FinallyAWinner #FreeAtLast

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Nearing the End of a Long Road

Blinding flashes of insight and inspiration have been happening more often over the last year than they have in a very long time.

I think the one I had today has resulted not only in the final rules edit of OdB, but in the base concept of the third expansion.

The card art is coming along at a nice clip, and I really like the way Ben Hofer has brought my vision to life.

If my gut is correct, my final closed beta session will be next weekend, and I'll be opening it up to open blind testing the week after that.

If there are any local game shop owners in Winnipeg or surrounding areas/towns who want to host for me and become a part of the process, let me know. Otherwise, I'll be announcing times/places/dates as I can arrange.